
Friday, January 8, 2021

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, everyone! I know it's already been a crazy year already and we are only on day 8, but God is in control and we can trust in Him. It seems people are just waiting for the world to be "normal" again, but I believe we are living in the last days, and we may not see things get back to "normal." No matter what happens or does not happen -- serve God! God WILL win! 

Stay encouraged! I hope to post more soon. Not sure altogether who reads this blog, but I hope I can be a help and encouragement to you with my posts.

God Bless!



  1. Feliz Año Nuevo!
    Es cierto, son los últimos días pero eso debe ser felicidad para la Iglesia. Vamos a seguir sirviendo a Dios con más ganas que antes.

  2. recently found this and look forward to reading. God bless.


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