Monday, January 4, 2010

My faith post

This post is because of things I have been struggling with. Physically, and spiritually. I have the Holy Ghost. (God's Spirit living inside of me) It's the best thing that could EVER happen to you!! Things come our way, physical problems, earthly problems, financial problems, all sorts of things. That is life, and living for God does not take those problems away. But those who serve God do have benefits. He promised to never leave or forsake us! He promised to make us stronger through trials! He promised ME He has something in store for me. He wants to use me! I have been struggling with things lately, not feeling well. I have struggled with fear, anxiety, and doubt. But God has been showing me things in His word about FAITH. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. God responds to faith. God honors faith. Sometimes things look so hopeless but if we will only believe, He will see us through. He might not always take away our tribulations, but He will be with us through them, and we will come out greater if we hold to His hand and praise Him through it. There is power in praise, and though I have felt very discouraged and afraid, I can encourage myself in God. Those feelings do not come from God. He still wants to use me, still has something for me, still wants to make me great. He has had His hand on me since I was a child and I'm trusting Him with my life. So easy to say, so hard to live. But I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! There is something great in store yet for me. I can only see the peaks, not the road. But I will get there. I will be great for God someday, and I'm on a journey.


Nancy said...

Jen, you inspire me to have faith. Sometimes we never know why we are struggling with stuff, but because we are His, we should not fear. I am praying that God strengthens you and takes you to greater heights. You are a jewel to Him, and there is no way he is going to forget what you feel and where you are.
Seriously, you are doing some amazing things that only a few young people do during their lifetime. Being your church's only musician puts a huge load on you. I'm sure there are times you wish you could sit back and watch service like everyone else. Not only that, but you are no doubt the most influential person in your youth group.
Speaking from experience, I know that people expect leaders to be perfect. It can put an enormous amount of guilt on you if others' expectations aren't met. Jen, you're a great young lady. Trust that God will uphold you even through hard times when all you want to do is cry. And remember John's motto: all things will pass in time.
Love ya Jen! Keep smiling and call me often...

Jennifer Connell said...


Thank you so much for that comment, things like that encourage me. You're right, we should never fear. I have felt that God wants me to do great things and other times I have doubted because of circumstances in my life. But I have to hold on to God's promises for ME. It's hard to do sometimes when things aren't looking very good. We can only see the peaks of where God is taking us, we don't always see the road. And sometimes, if we're in a dark valley, we can't even see the peaks. That's when we have to walk by faith. I really want to learn how to walk by faith this year. Harder said than done. Love you too, and yes, we will keep in touch. =)Keep playing the piano! =)

Jennifer Connell said...

Thank you so much! That really means a lot!