Obstacles are something that we all face in life. Just when everything seems like it's going great, we run into something we weren't expecting. Sometimes that can be discouraging. Some obstacles might seem too big to us, but with God's help, we can get around them. We don't always understand why they come when they do, but nothing takes God by surprise and He knows exactly what He's doing. That's why we have to be in tune with Him, so we can hear His voice and trust what He is doing! An obstacle may come your way at what seems like just the wrong time, but maybe God put it there to slow you down so you don't run into trouble ahead. He sees the whole picture and we don't. What may seem like a bother may actually be something God sent to protect you. Trust in God! There are other times where the enemy of our souls will try and throw obstacles into our walk with God. That's when we have to make up our minds we aren't going to let something get in the way of where we are going in God. Kick it out of the way! It's all about making it and getting past the sin that does so easily beset us. No matter what comes on the road of your life, make up your mind to live for God. Trust Him when there is an obstacle too big for you to get rid of on your own, and ask Him to be strong so you can get rid of the ones you can! Nothing is too hard for God.
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