Verses 10 - 11 are the 'First." Verse 13 is the 'then.'
We need to realize that before we can show others the ways of God, we really have to live it.
"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."
If we don't have a heart that is clean towards God, and if our spirit is not a right spirit, how will be able to show others the way to heaven?
"Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me."
We need to be led of the Spirit of God, and stay close to His presence. Sin seperates us from God. We can't have sin in our lives if we want to be used of God to lead sinners to Him.
"Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit."
If we have no joy in our lives, we are just like everybody else. The world doesn't have real joy, and they need to be able to see a joy and a peace in the people of God that they cannot find out in the world. Sure, we all have bad days and we don't always feel joyful, but we can receive joy even in the hard times through touching God in prayer. If we will press through our feelings and touch God, He can give us peace and joy in the midst of a trial, and I have found that to be true.
So, when we have a clean heart, we are staying close to God, and we have the joy of God in our lives,
"Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee."
If we will live how we are supposed to live and do what we are supposed to do, we will see revival. If I stay full of the Holy Ghost, and I have that joy and peace in me, then I can show people the way to God, and I will see sinners be converted. We'll see our churches fill up! The hard part is US. Overcoming our flesh. We can do it with the help of God.
Remember what needs to come FIRST, and THEN we will see results.
Thanks for reading today!
Oh, nice. I never thought of it that way.
So true!
Great thought Jen! Thanks!
That was really good, Jen. You sure you're not called to preach? j/k
You're so wise, Jen! =)
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