Monday, July 18, 2011


Yesterday at church we had a young couple come in and sit in the back. I could tell by their attentiveness and the looks on the their faces that they were really listening and soaking up everything in the service. After service my dad was talking with them and asked how they found our church. They responded, "We're just looking for God. We know we need him." The girl was about ready to burst into tears. It made me wonder, how many people out there that look like they have it all together are really searching for God? People know they need Him. I want God to lead me to these people. People have no direction and are wandering aimlessly. An evangelist preached at our church Sunday morning and talked about the verse that says "save yourselves from this untoward generation." Meaning, this generation has no aim! They aren't going anywhere, but floating through life with no purpose. Thank God we have a goal and can press towards the mark.

It doesn't really matter where God places us in the body of Christ because it is not about us, but about the Kingdom of God and reaching these souls. Some people put an emphasis on certain callings or positions in the church, when really every single member is so important! If I can just win souls I will be happy! To pray, to know God's word, and share it with others is what I want to do.

1 comment:

jennifer lord said...

Twin, I'm so glad that the couple found their way to a good Apostolic church.

It is so sad how RARE it is to meet unchurched people with a hunger for God. WOW.