Sunday, June 24, 2012

God answers prayer - so keep praying!

WOW. That is a good word to start this post Some amazing things have happened in the past 2 weeks! First of all we have been praying for many things to happen. The devil has been fighting our young people but we have been praying. We had some awesome prayer meetings a few weeks ago and something broke. We were able to bring 9 of us young people down to Pacific Coast Camp last week! Whooo-eeeee! lol

One of them is a young girl and her name is Trinity! She is the only Trinity we believe in! LOL
Anyhow, Trinity received the Holy Ghost for the very first time in the altar at PCC on Wednesday night! We are so excited! Our young people were touched and re-newed, and I already see much change for the good now that we are back home.

This morning at church, a 20 year old backslid young man came back to church and prayed through. He said with conviction "I'm coming back to every service from now on." This is a HUGE change in him. God moved in a beautiful way this morning after Missionary Bro. Tom Bracken preached on "Altars." I am so overwhelmed with what God is doing.

To all those that have been discouraged and feel like nothing is happening when you pray: Keep praying, because prayer works. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Keep up the good work!

A post about PCC soon to come!


Emily Keating said...

Jen you are so right! Prayer is the key. There is nothing quite like a backslider praying through.

Jaqueline said...

Thank you Jesus !

jennifer lord said...

awesome! :)

Elias L. Martinez said...

That's awesome! great blog. hehe

I posted PCC pics up 2!

God Bless,


Hanna said...

I ♥ good reports!! Thank you Jesus! I so wish I could have heard Bro. Bracken preach!