Friday, June 8, 2012

Rock, paper.....SCISSORS

Okay, I owe Mary Ginty a blog post since she sent me a present in the mail! Actually, she sent us Kindreds (Hanna, Anali, and I) some really good cookies! Mary, you should open a business! We opened the gift at Hanna's house and I had an hour drive home after that, so they served well as a late night snack for me and my passengers. :)

Mary also sent us keychains! Rock, paper, and scissors. She requested we blog about WHY we chose the keychains we picked out. Well...

I must admit, the actual reason I chose the scissors is a very shallow one. The reason I chose the scissors is... *drumroll please*

LOL Okay, there it is. Tiny scissors are cute. But, it COULD symbolize something spiritual maybe? Hmm..
At one point in my life I took out my spiritual scissors and cut off all other options - because I was going to live for God no matter what! Sounds good, right? Abel said I chose them because my words are "cutting." oh please! Lol

Ok Mary, there you have it!


Anali V said...

At least Abel didn't say you were dense -___- LOL

Yay for matching key chains!

jennifer lord said...

Cute scissors!!! :)

Mary Frances said...

Awwwwwwww!!! The scissors are CUUUUTE and I'm glad you all LOOOOOVED the key chains!!! ANNNNNND i'm glad you all liked the cookies...just pass around the word to any cute, single, on fire for God, burden for the lost, apostolic guys!!! HAHA!!! Seems like Abel had comments for everyone's choice...what about Hanna's? Btw- you all know that game Paper, rock, scissors RIGHT?!?!?

Mary Frances said...

Did you get my comment or NO?!?!

Jennifer Connell said...

Yes Mary, I got your comment! lol You're so funny! And yes I do happen to know Rock Paper Scissors is a game! Haha

Mary Frances said...

Yaaaaaaay!!! :)