Friday, June 15, 2012

To my dear bunnies

This post is for my dear, sweet friends, Eliana and Chloee, also known as my bunnies, coming from a joke that started a while back. Today they amazed me with their courage and strength. These girls lost their hero, their daddy. While there is sadness in the loss, there is also a great joy in knowing where he is. Bro. Nembro served God faithfully and has gone on to be with the Lord.

Today was his home going service, and I couldn't have been more amazed and proud of Eliana and Chloee today.

As you both spoke, it seemed as if
God was just holding you. The peace you had was incredible, and it is what many have been praying for you to experience during this time - the peace that passes all understanding.

I love you both very much and you are in my thoughts and prayers. God has a special plan for you both, and I appreciate your sweet spirit and trust in God through this whole situation. Eli, you may not remember this, but a year or two when you went through a hard time I remember you telling me "I don't ever want to get bitter." That has always stuck with me. I can see you still feel the same way today. God will make you both sweeter because you are choosing to trust Him and love Him. So very proud of you both! With much love and support,



Kathy McElhaney said...

Oh how I love these bunnies! All three of you. My Peeps were so beautiful, peaceful and anointed yesterday. So proud of them.

Chlo said...


There are not enough words to express my deep gratitude for your prayers and support. It was and still is those prayers that are holding up our family, giving us strength, courage, hope, and peace. There is such a peace that enfolds us because we know dad is in Heaven, away from pain, and we have the opportunity to see him again. I miss and love my dad dearly but I know God has a plan for this all. I love you so much Bunny and thank God for putting you in my life.

Jennifer Connell said...

Sis McElhaney, we love you so much too!


I love you too, and I am also thankful God put you and Eliana in my life. You are an encouragment to me, and you have the ability and potential to reach and help so many people. Thank you for having such a good attitude. You are continually in my prayers. Much love bunny!

jennifer lord said...

My heart goes out to Eliana and Chloee. God bless you two!