Sunday, July 1, 2012

Emmanuel - God With Us!

I absolutely love Old Testament Bible stories! Today I was thinking about Daniel, and all that God did through him and for him. The Bible refers to Daniel several times as having an excellent spirit.
In Daniel chapter 1 and verse 8, the Bible tells us that Daniel "purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine that he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunechs that he might not defile himself." Daniel was a young person who chose to stand for what was right. Because of this, God was with him. We can read on in Daniel chapter 6 about Daniel's character. He had an excellent spirit, and the presidents and princes seeking to find fault in him found none. When a royal decree was made that said no body could make petition to God for 30 days, Daniel went to his house, opened his window toward Jerusalem, and prayed to God. Daniel knew he must please God over man. Daniel stood for what was right. Daniel was thrown into a den of lions because of his obedience to God.

When you stand for what is right, you will face oppostion, BUT God will be with you!

God sent angels to shut the mouths of the lions. Daniel WAS in the lion's den, but he was not harmed! We know the rest of the story: The king took Daniel out of the den, and Daniel was lifted up and prospered. So, it is important to remember that when we take a stand for truth, yes, there will be opposition to face. Young people, there will be peer pressure! But we must remember that though Daniel was cast into the den of lions, he was not at all harmed, and came out victorious. To God be the glory!

There are more!

Remember the 3 Hebrew children who would not bow? They were cast into the fiery furnace, but they were not burned, and God was WITH THEM in the fire! Not only was He with them, but he brought them out with not one hair singed, not even the smell of fire on them! King Nebuchadnezzar glorified God and promoted the 3 Hebrew children in the province of Babylon. He also made a decree that anyone that spoke things amiss about the God of the Hebrew children would "cut in pieces, and their houses made a dunghill: because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort."

It pays to stand for truth, folks! Yes, you might face some unpleasant things because of your stand, but you'll come out stronger, better, and God will be glorified! The very people that come against you may be the ones that later take your side.

Joseph - Did what was right and was thrown into prison. BUT, God used it to bring about much good, and to "save much people alive." Joseph was promopted to 2nd in command over all the land of Egypt!

There are many other people who have stood for truth though there was persecution to face.

Some have given their lives, but have received a much greater reward in heaven!

So how about you? Are you standing for what is right, or are you afraid of the Nebuchadnezzars, presidents, princes, or potiphar's wives? Can you stand for truth even if you know you'll be cast into the fire, thrown into jail or a lion's den? Sounds scary, but remember that God is WITH US no matter what we have to go through for standing for what is right!

Young ladies - the people at school or work that make fun of your long skirts are the people that NEED to see you'll keep your stand. Many people make fun and try and get you to give in because they are looking for something that is real, and they want to know if you're going to be real and not cave under pressure.

Young men - There are other young men that need to see you know how to have a good time without cussing, talking dirty, or looking at inappropriate pictures. They need to see that you're real. They need to see you take a stand.

Maybe you'll need to take a stand for honesty on the job. Maybe some of your co-workers won't like it and try and get you fired. Stand anyhow! It always pays to be honest!

The very person that throws you into the fiery furnace may the be very person that pulls you out and defends your stand for truth.

God can save anybody! He can save your enemies, and those that despitefully use you and persecute you. He can turn your situation around at any moment.

So in conclusion, I want to challenge every Apostolic:

STAND for what is right. Don't bow to the things of the world. Keep your witness, no matter what you have to endure for it. God always rewards those that purpose in their hearts to serve Him, just as Daniel did as a young person.

He is Emmanuel - God with us!


Notions from Nonny said...

Wonderful post!!

Carol Connell said...

Great post, Jen! It certainly pays to stand for the truth.

Love you!


Jennifer Connell said...

Thank you! Yes, it does pay to stand for the truth!

jennifer lord said...

Excellent post, my dear Twin!

Peter C. said...


That was an EXELLENT post! Standing for truth is important - and there are times where this requires speaking and action. It has been said that "silence is golden;" but sometimes it is just plain yellow. God bless those of all ages who are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ and not ashamed to stand for truth.

Your life has demonstrated this, and I am proud of you.

I especially liked the statement, that the very one who throws you into the fiery furnance may be the one who pulls you out and defends your stand for truth. Great thought!


Jennifer Connell said...

Twin, thank you.

Dad, thank you for your long comment! :) I love you!