Monday, December 7, 2020


 On Thanksgiving Day I set aside time to pray and simply thank God for all that He has done this year. Looking back over 2020, it's been quite a rough year for most due to obvious reasons, but also due to personal reasons in our own lives. But, as I began to pray I felt so very thankful because God truly has done so many amazing things this year and answered so many prayers! He has been so faithful, He is answering prayer, and He has never left me alone in the middle of all this craziness! 

COVID-19 and all of the lockdowns have not stopped people from repenting, being baptized in Jesus' Name, and being filled with the Holy Ghost! My family has been praying for a young man in prison for a very long time, and on November 2nd at about 11:30pm, he received the Holy Ghost while praying in his prison cell! God has provided financially, healed people, drawn backsliders, and the list goes on. Although it seems there are so many bad reports these days, there are also so many GOOD reports all over Pentecost! Just yesterday we had a boy from the foster care system receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues as the Spirit of God gave him the utterance. Bible studies are being taught. People are hungry and searching. It's time to shine! It's time to get this Gospel message out!

This year God blessed me with a new car right when I needed it, and I was able to go on an amazing missions trip to Peru and Honduras before the lockdown and had layovers in Panama and Texas. That's going more places this year than most people have been able to! I've had personal prayers answered! I started a new Bible study. On November 5th, my mom and I celebrated our birthday together and got to go to a restaurant before they shut them down again. LOL (Yes, I was born on her birthday!) The list can go on. Big things and little things -- I just have so much to be thankful for. Yes, this year has been very hard, but look what the Lord has done! What is something God did for you this year? Feel free to share!

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