Friday, April 8, 2011

Willingness and Weakness

Every single person born into the world has a weakness; We are all human. Everyone knows that there is no such thing as a perfect human being. Some may have a weaker character than others, but everybody has a weakness in one area or another. What makes the difference is what you do with that weakness of yours; Do you have the victory over your weakness, or do you give in? I can tell you one of my little weaknesses: CHOCOLATE. Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41 This is not really a big deal. (The chocolate weakness, not the verse above) We are not talking about sin, only chocolate, but I want to use this as an example. I really like to eat healthy! I like the way it makes me feel and the energy it gives me. My spirit is willing to be healthy, that's how I want to be. But when I see chocolate sitting in front of me, that weakness many times overtakes the willingness to resist the chocolate and be healthy. It is the same way with the things of the Spirit. Many want to live for God and resist temptation, but their flesh is weak. How do we overcome and keep from giving in to our weaknesses? (Temptation) The devil tempts us in the areas we are weak, because he wants us to give in to the things of the flesh. But the Bible tells us to watch and pray, that we enter not into temptation. The reason so many people lose the battle with the flesh is because they aren't praying and keeping their eyes open! Prayer is what keeps us from falling into sin. Prayer is what can help us grow strong in an area we are weak. Prayer really is the answer to the sin problem! If more people would just pray, the willingness would have the victory and the weakness would lose. As for watching -- A really good thing to look at is the Word of God! It is a reminder in front of our eyes, and something we can get in our hearts. "Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee." Psalm 119:11 What this is really all about is making it to heaven and helping others make it too.


Anali V said...

I really REALLY REALLy like this post. Prayer really is the solution to the "sin problem".

Love you

Jennifer Connell said...

I REALLY REALLY like your comment. Yay. :) Love you too!

jen lord said...

Another great post! :)

Jennifer Connell said...

Thanks Twin! :)

Mary Frances said...

Great post!!! And OMW!!! I am soooooooooooo with you on the chocolate weakness girl!! LOL!!! Well I tagged you in a blog game!!! Check it out!!!

Hanna said...

AMEN. I like.

Jennifer Connell said...

Mary and Hanna - Thanks! And I did the game Mary. :) We like to smell a lot of the same things. lol