Monday, January 30, 2012

When is the last time you wept for a soul?

I'd like to share a poem that my mom wrote. It gives us all something to think about.

When was the last time you wept for a soul
As tears from your eyes did freely flow
With agony over one’s lost condition
Of eternity without God, perdition?

If to win one to God is your noble goal
When was the last time you wept for a soul?
Before this great gospel we can share
We must take some time to wrestle in prayer.

Have you witnessed, it seems, to no avail?
Perhaps you’re lacking this thing called travail.
When was the last time you wept for a soul
With heart wrenching sobs you could scarcely control?

Ever take time to wonder why
Your spirit just seems so lifeless and dry?
Over this question, you may want to mull.
“When was the last time you wept for a soul?”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it!!!