Monday, March 26, 2012

OnCourse and more

My, what an outstanding conference this year! The preaching was awesome, and God moved in such a special way! I haven't uploaded any pics yet and I have been rather busy, so I have no pictures to post as of now. If you weren't at OnCourse, get the preaching CD's! "Creatures of the night" was preached by Elder McMullen and that is a MUST hear for everybody!! It is one of those messages that if we can just get a hold of it, it will keep us! I was so glad to see some faces that I have not seen in quite a while! Like, my TWIN, Jen! She asked me if I was in line at the hotel, and I said not. She didn't even realized it was me! I was double checking to see if it was her because I didn't want to say something and then look dumb if it wasn't her! LOL! But it was, and it was very nice to see her again, even if I didn't get to hang out with her much. :( I also saw Michelle and Elissa again, which was lovely, of course! It was nice to meet new people. One of the things I really love about conferences is that our young people get to see just how MANY other young people are living for God too! It's so encouraging!

On the last night we were living In N Out to go to the gym, and we got caught in what felt like a hurricane! We were running to my car super fast because we were getting soaked, and one of the girls started screaming and hopping around because her shoe flew off! It was very funny. (When it was over.) By the time we got inside the car we were sooo wet and our shoes were full of water. Our faces looked like somebody sprayed us with a squirt bottle.

On the way home, God definitely had His hand on us! I was driving and it was raining hard. I need a new windshield, so I really couldn't see very well. We were switching freeways and the traffic in front of me suddenly came to a stop. I had to hit my brakes of course, but we were going fast, so I lost control of my car and we went sliding, and almost hit our youth leader's car! I found out later that his son had the same thing happen to him in the same spot! It was pretty crazy, but neither of us crashed and somehow the car stopped sliding and I gained control. I am thankful that God protects us!

God is good! I'll post some more later!


jen lord said...

LOLOL TWIN, I forgot about our 1st "meeting" in the hotel lobby. I had my hat and glasses disguise so I totally understand why I wasn't recognizable!! I have no excuse for you though. My brain was probably fried from driving!

Such good preaching! And I'm glad that God gave you protection on the roads

Anali V said...

What's up with you and sliding in the rain...hmmmm.

You should have drawn pictures of the conference if you couldn't upload any :p

and I hung out with Jen and Michelle HAHAHAH pfffft :)