Tuesday, April 17, 2012

They never stop , So why should we?

God - He never goes on vacation. He never stops working. He's always busy doing something.
Answering prayer, saving souls, healing bodies, judging, watching, calling....
Satan and demonic spirits - They never go on vacation. They never stop working. They're always busy doing something. Destroying lives, breaking up families, making sure people die lost, lying, distracting saints, and causing strife and division in churches...
They never stop working. There is a constant battle that goes on in the spirit. Lives are at stake everyday, and God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2Peter 3:9)
The enemy of our souls walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. (I Peter 5:8)
He never stops.
God doesn't go on vacation. Neither does the devil. So why should we ever take a vacation from our spiritual duties? Some people go on a real vacation out of town somewhere, but while they're out they also take a vacation from holiness. Others may stay in town, even be faithful to church, but decide somewhere in their heart to take a little "vacation" from God and their spiritual responsiblity. We are responsible for our own souls. If we are not responsible for our own souls like we should be, not only will we be lost, but others may be lost as well. Our decisions always effect others! We need to be faithful to God!
I recently heard a story about a man who showed up at the Apostolic church in town. I don't know every detail so forgive me if you know this story already. He asked if he could come in and pray, so they let him inside and he began to pray. Nobody knew who he was. The pastor went by the church and saw the man praying. He asked the saint who had let the man in who he was. The saint wasn't sure. "He came in and asked if he could pray." So the pastor went to the man and asked him who he was and where he was from. Turns out he was a saint from another church somewhere else. "I'm on vacation, so that's why I'm in your town. But I don't take a vacation from God." This man was away from the eyes of his pastor. This man was away from his church. This man could have done whatever he wanted. But he had something in his heart. He was faithful! He didn't take a vacation from God.
God never stops working.
Satan never stops working.
Why should we?


*~Lulu~* said...

Awesome blog girly;)

Mary Frances said...


Jennifer Connell said...

Thanks, LuLu. :)

Mary, you're funny! lol I just write!