Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pacific Coast Camp

I am really looking forward to PCC this year. Last year God did some wonderful things for me and for the people from my church that went. We were renewed and strengthened! Sonia got the Holy Ghost last year at camp and, since then, the devil has been fighting her from coming to church. Her legal guardian has kept her from coming to church, and even though it's almost been a year, she will still ask "are you guys still praying for me?" and "don't forget about me!" We haven't forgot. I'm believing God to make a way for her, because she desires to be back in church.

A sister from our church was having bad back problems and was wearing a back brace to camp last year. In the altar one morning God reached and touched her back - she took off her brace and ran back and forth! God is good!

I am expecting God to really move this year in my life and in the lives of many! Meetings like these take so much work to put together, and I am so thankful to all of the people that work so hard in making this happen. It is special meetings like this that have greatly impacted my life. I have some landmark experiences in this camp because someone was willing to sacrifice for me and for so many others. Don't be too selfish or afraid to sacrifice! We have what we have because somebody else sacrificed, and we should be willing to do the same for the next generation.

So, I am going this year with expectation. God is going to move, so get ready!

                                                                Sonia praying at PCC 2011


Kathy McElhaney said...

I look back over my life and remember so many things that God did for me at youth camps. I received the Holy Ghost when I was 10 and met my husband when I was 25!

Now, it's my privilege to do a small part of the work so another group of young people can be blessed.

Looking forward to another great time this year.

Notions from Nonny said...

Nothing like PCC!! Have fun!!

Anali V said...

aaaaaand the Kindreds reunite!! YES!

I think about 6 of us are going to camp (by faith, still have to get the money) this year. Which I'm SUPER excited about. This will be life changing for all of them, but especially the new youth.
