Thursday, September 13, 2012


If you know me, you know that I have suffered from L.I.M.D. since I was a child.  :: Laughing at Inappropriate Moments Disorder. LOL
But really, I am one of those people that has an awful time keeping a straight face when something funny happens. Of course, funny things always happen in Apostolic churches! Things that make you laugh when you're supposed to try REALLY hard NOT to laugh. I have definitely gotten better over the years. It used to be quite bad, but God has helped me with my straight-face-keeping-skills.
Last Friday night we had a combined youth service with a couple other churches, and pre - service prayer had started. It was a bit quiet, and PastorDad yells out, "Sounds Baptist in here!!" which made some people chuckle. It tickled me so much I couldn't stop laughing! I finally calmed down. That hadn't happened in a while.
Tonight, a couple funny things happened. First, a man that normally comes to Bible study nights walked in as the teaching had just begun. Normally he walks to the back pew and sits down, but tonight he walked right up to the altar and knelt on one knee, did the sign of the cross, got up, and walked right back out. lol You would have had to have been there. It took me a while to stop laughing (Don't worry, I was laughing quietly.)
After this, Pastor was talking about some other church's false doctrines. He suddenly stopped and said, "You could wash hogs in that! Ya know, it's hog wash!" People started laughing, and of course I started up again. But hey, it's good to smile and laugh! Too many people are walking around depressed and with frowns. It's good to have a good time and laugh. Of course, when it's appropriate. :)
Um, so, the point of this post is... It's good to be happy! AND, if anyone teaches things that are not in the Bible, it's HOGWASH! :)

Have a good weekend!


Kathy McElhaney said...

What's really bad is when my husband and I both getting tickled in church. One of us will finally calm down, then look at the other, and lose it all over again!

Jennifer Connell said...

That must be hilarious!! It happens that way.

Hanna said...

O, the stories we can tell for days and days LOL. Gotta love living for God!

Remember the uncontrollable giggles at PCC when Bro.Kerr preached on "Can the Ethiopian Change his Skin?" Omw, I', sitting here laughing. Def an LIMD moment for sure!

Jennifer Connell said...

How could I forget that service? lol