Friday, October 12, 2012

Skirt Power!

"You did that in a skirt?!"
I think it funny when people say things like "wow, you run so fast in that skirt", as I was just told this past Wednesday by a couple people. It makes me think about how different and even odd I look to the world, when I feel completely normal and comfortable with myself! I started remembering all the many things I have done/do in a skirt that people "wow" over. It's amsuing to me!
 Riding bikes! The old bikes with the low bar for females were so they could ride in skirts! It's not hard people!
 Swimming! Any Pentecostal girl knows how to do this! I think it's so funny when people dare someone to jump in with their clothes on. It's like hello, that's how we always swim! :)
  Roller coasts! Yup, we do that in skirts, too!
 I even hiked this mountain in a skirt/jean jumper (Mount Lassen, which is also a volcano) when I was 9 years old.

It's not hard to live in a skirt. It's actually very easy! Skirts cover, and make us look like the ladies that we should look like! Have you ever had comments made about your skirt? At work? School? For any type of sport? I know people that get ski overalls for the snow made into skirts! Pretty cool huh! We need to be holy and modest at all times, even if you're on vacation and nobody is around! God sees!

Just a thought for the day.

Do you have any "skirt stories" to share?


Anali V said...

"You wear a skirt in the rain?!" Lololol well it ain't like It's going to melt off or anything haha

Kathy McElhaney said...

I've heard comments for years about running in a skirt. "Doesn't it make you run slower?" Since I have never NOT run in a skirt, I have no idea!

Jennifer Connell said...

Haha! I love both of these! I think it's funny when people say "aren't you hot in that thing?" when they're wearing pants and they get no breeze. haha

Anonymous said...

'You play sports in that?!' lol 'you run in that?'
'You do P.E. in that?' 'It's cold! Why are you wearing That!!??' {My response to that was 'It's cold! Why are you wearing shorts that barely cover an inch of your thigh!?!?' LOL wearing skirts is NOT hard at all!

jen lord said...

I get strange looks on cold and/or rainy days.... seriously, my tights are really warm!