Monday, March 4, 2013

Announcement to my readers

As of late, I have been considering making my blog private but remain undecided. I am limited to inviting 100 people to read my blog, and I'm not really sure of everybody that reads my blog.
The main purpose of this blog to be a source of encouragement to those attempting to live for God. I hope it has been a blessing to somebody along the way!

Like I said, I am undecided, but need feedback.

 If you would like to continue reading my blog, please leave a comment with your email address, (so I can send you an invitation) and state who you are and where/who's church you are from. If you don't go to a church I am familiar with or if you don't leave a good explanation of who you are, you may not be invited. I have to be limited! I will save your information while I considering making this change.

*Your information will not be published in the comment section and will only be viewed by blog author/contributors. Thank you!


Anali V said...

you know who I am. Need I say more? lol

Jennifer Connell said...

Of course you're invited. lol I'm still undecided, I just wanted to see the response and if I would be able to invite everyone if I end up making the blog private.