Tuesday, July 9, 2013



Anybody know what that means?
It's a strange word I learned today.
There are some weird words out there... I'll let you look it up.

AND, of course this isn't that important, I was just looking at a list of abnormal words today and some of their definitions. Plus I was trying to find a reason to blog. lol I do have some pics from recent times, but haven't put them on the computer yet.

Getting ready to leave for Peru... yay!! I'm getting really excited about this! We're going to be in a LOT of church services, and I'm looking forward to it! I'll definitely be taking lots of pictures there and have much to blog about when I get back. Hope everyone is doing fantabulous. :)



Kathy McElhaney said...

At first I thought you were talking about Erin (from Atwater, I think?) But this word does NOT apply to her!!!

My husband used the word "fantabulous" the other day and the cashier at the store thought it was the greatest word ever!!

Have a great trip to Peru - may God do a mighty work while you are there!

Jennifer Connell said...

HAHA! This word definitely doesn't apply to her! And that's hilarious about your husband amusing the cashier. Thanks for the well wishes! Love and miss you!

jennifer lord said...

Have a GREAT trip, twin! :D

Hanna said...

Hedgehog, hahaha! How strange lol