Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Isaiah 40:31 says, "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." 

The key to this whole verse is the word "wait." 

Many times we as human beings become impatient waiting for things in life. Things like direction and a clear answer from God for whatever we are facing or dealing with in our minds and hearts. There have been seasons in my life when it seemed as if the answer would never come, but it did. 

Upon pondering this topic, the thought occurred to me that "waiting" has a lot (if not everything) to do with being faithful and obedient. Faithful to pray, to fast, to be in the house of God, and just live for Him as we always do. Answers sometimes come in the services we least expect, or just when you reach that point where you feel like things will never change. People have missed their answer because of a lack of faith/faithfulness, going elsewhere to try and get their need fulfilled their own way, rather than waiting on an answer from the Lord.

Psalm 127:1 Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. 

When we try to do it all on our own rather than waiting on His perfect will, the results will most likely be messy, if not devastating. I can think of someone who had a need but did not wait on the Lord and was not faithful to obey their pastor. They tried to work it out on their own, and the sad outcome was eternal. I can also think of those who have obeyed and waited on God faithfully, even when it was hard and they couldn't see past the circumstance, and God has faithfully blessed and rewarded!

What about you? Are you waiting for something? Do you need an answer--direction? Help? God knows, and He is watching your faithfulness. Jesus said, "In your patience possess ye your souls." (Luke 21:19) New strength will come with the answer after you have been faithful in waiting upon the LORD

God Bless!


Carol Connell said...

Great post, Jen! I remember my mom saying often when we were kids that "good things come to those who wait." This is true when it comes to waiting upon God. We can get impatient at times, but His timing is always perfect! I like how you tied faith and obedience together too. Good stuff!

Jennifer Connell said...

Thanks, Mom! ♥

Carisa Luisa said...

Great post, Jen!

+CHRIS+ said...

It was so fun meeting you Jen I can't wait to see you again

Jennifer Connell said...

Thanks, Carisa! Good seeing you at PCC!

Chris, thank you so much for commenting! It was nice to meet you and being on your team... Take care and hopefully we'll see you soon!

Elias L. Martinez said...

Great Post!

Btw check my last blog post....haha

jennifer lord said...

Good post, Twin! Impatient me always needs to read anything that talks about waiting!