Have you ever had a strange feeling that someone is staring at you, turned around, and realized someone really IS staring at you? I think a lot of us have had that happen to us at some point. Every wonder why you can feel a stare? Isn't is strange? Does anyone care to share an explanation or theory as to why you can sometimes feel someone staring at you? Wonder aloud, and then I'll share what I think with you...
The reason people feel others staring is because people by nature are self-contious. Since people are self-contious, they are constantly worried about what others think about them. Because of this, they are more sensitive to the eyes watching them. Thus said, those who don't feel eyes watching them are less self-contious. I don't mean that they totally don't care what others think, but that they are more comfortable than those who feel the eyes upon them. That's my two cents worth
ps I feel like my idea is getting ripped off for some reason. No clue why, just a feeling.
Because we have power waves that come out of our eyes, so that's why people can tell when one stares
Okay, I'll share with you what I think. My dad told me another pastor told him this, and I thought it was kind of interesting. It seems like a reasonable explantation: We all have a spirit, right? Everybody does. I think our spiritual side may sense when another spirit is staring or focused on you. Maybe not all the time, but you can feel evil spirits. If someone has a unclean spirit and it's looking at you, sometimes you can feel it, because it is spiritual. Especially those of us who have the Holy Ghost. When you have the Holy Ghost, it is the spirit of God inside of you. When someone is possessed or oppressed by an unclean spirit, they can also sense something different in us. One time I was in Barnes N Noble just looking at a book. I looked up to see a young man sitting in a chair staring directly at me with a very hateful expression in his eyes. It wasn't just a glance, it was a stare. There was something evil feeling about the way he looked at me! And why a man that doesn't know me look at me hatefully? Because of the spirit in him that didn't like the spirit in me maybe? Just something to think about. I'm not claiming to have any answers, just kinda my opinion! There ya go...lol
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