Happy 19th birthday Nancy!! I love ya girl! Thanks for all the good and fun times, you have been a great friend, and for not knowing you very long we already have a lot of good memories! Driving to L.A., taking pictures at 3 in the morning, late night conversations, jamm sessions, attempting to make a perfect smoothie, and all kinds of other stuff! lol Can't wait for more fun! I hope your year is very blessed!
I am so glad that you got to meet Nancy :).. She is a great girl with a awesome spirit and personality :). I love that girl to pieces :)..Anyways I am glad that she got to meet a good friend like you :)...You are awesome girl..
Love ya lotz dahhling!
-Kate ;)
Miss Jen!
Awwww... you are so sweet to do a post specially for me! My birthday has truly been special (and the April Fools joke was a heartstopper, I will tell you that, lol). I appreciate your friendship very, very much. It's been so fun getting to know you and find out all the things we have in common. Yes, all the things you mentioned definitely are good memories. We are living the best years of our young lives right now. In a few years, we will probably be married to handsome young men who treat us like princesses. And who love God more than anything. For right now, though, I just want to be surrounded with great friends and enjoy trips to L.A. and such... Can't wait for our upcoming jamm session and sleepover. That's gonna be simply phenomenal.
Thanks for your kind words and thoughtfulness... Love ya like a sister!
Your pal,
Happy birthday Nancy!! Hope you had a great birthday since i just found out haha
Thank you, Miss Anali!
I did have a very nice birthday, and I'm still celebrating it lol. Good things have been happening this week. Will I be seeing you at Jen's youth rally?
Oh! I forgot to say "dahhhling"... lol
Kate, I'm glad I got to meet her too! You are absolutely right! Thanks girl!! :)
Nancy, You're welcome! Wasn't the April Fool's Joke fantastic? Did you tell anyone about it? lol I thought it was good, especially because of our conversation the night before! LOL! I can't wait until our sleepover and jamm session either! I know that we are going to have a blast! We will probably stay up all night talking. lol And I know church is going to be great too! Whoo hoo! Excited!
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