This young girl below got the Holy Ghost at Pacific Coast Camp this year. Her mom has not let her come to church very much since then and doesn't want her to be baptized. Please pray for this young girl and her mom. God can make a way! God really touched her again yesterday morning.
Thank God for all that He is doing!! We went door knocking on Saturday and had some good contacts made. A girl from our church who was on the same team as me knocked on a girls door who was very interested. I walked over there and we started talking with this girl. She's 19 years old and she was asking a lot of questions about church. We encouraged her to come and she said she wanted to come by. She came last night with her mom and God really touched both of them! They had tears streaming down their faces and were reaching out to God. Bro. Baker was with us both services. We did not have any preaching in the morning service because God just took over. Sunday night God took over again, and while people were praying Bro. Baker started talking about the woman with the issue of blood, and how we all have a problem and need to reach out to God like she did. People came to the altars and God touched them. It's exciting to see God touching people like this! I love it! It's what it's all about. Who says door knocking doesn't work? :)
Great report, Jen! Glad to see God moving in your church. Door knocking definitely works - that's how the parents my Peeps (Chloee & Eliana) were won to God!
God is certainly moving! We have had a lot of visitors come and pray really well. Bro. Baker was with us on Saturday night and preached an awesome message. They are such a blessing. These pictures are touching, young people are the next generation!. I think I'm going to talk to my pastor about the possibly of having kids church that includes props! :)
Sis. McElhaney,
I didn't know that's how Eliana and Chloee's parents were won. That is awesome, thank you for sharing that!
Anali - I'm glad God is moving in your church too! I think you would do a good job working with kids! :) The props make it a lot more lively and catch the kid's attention! If your pastor wants to do it, I can give you some tips for decorating ideas. I've learned alot with helping decorate with kids church, we have very talented people in our church that can do stuff like that!
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