Monday, June 16, 2008

God is GOOD!

Thanks to everyone who prayed for me to get this job! It worked! I start tomorrow. So, more prayer is needed. Please pray that everything goes smoothly and that they are impressed with my work. =) I want to get the hang of it fast, and be self motivated. All the praise and honor goes to my Jesus! Every blessing comes from Him, and everything I have is His. I don't deserve any of His blessings! We serve a great BIG God who is so kind and merciful.

Ahh. So, tomorrow I have my last behind the wheel training session! Then once I get a few more hours in, I can take the big drivers test and hopefully will pass the first time! lol! Time to save up for a car. I'm hoping to have one by the end of the year, but I don't know yet. Whatever God wants. When I get my car, I will use it for His service.

Yesterday after church we went out to eat, and then went home. My dad got to open his Father's day presents and cards. I'm so blessed to have a good dad!! I thank God for him and my mom.

Well, hope everyone is having a good week. Drop me a comment. =)



DeadMule said...

Hi Jen, I hope all of this goes well. Love, Helen

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear such wonderful news it is exciting to hear that God is working in not just a few people's lives, but the lives of many. I hope you do well on your driving test and what not. Well that's all for now have a great day,


Jennifer Connell said...

Helen- Thanks, me too. It will in Jesus name!

Stefan- Thank you guys so much for praying!! He's definitely working in many people's lives right now. God's good!

Andrea Whiseant said...

Jen~ Congrats on the new job. I'm so happy for you. Thanks for stopping by on my page & leaving a comment. We can keep intouch this way through blogging :) As you know I'm knew to this but really enjoying it! Love ya girl, Andrea~

Jennifer Connell said...

Jaimee- Hehe! Thanks!!

Andrea- Thank you! Good to hear from you! Blogging is such a cool way to keep in touch. =)

Anonymous said...


I'm thrilled about your new job! Hope it's going well. You'll have to send me an e-mail and tell me your hours and if you like it so far. I heard Bre got a job at Coldstone. WOH! Also, glad you're at the end of your drivers ed, that you're thankful for your job, parents. Nothing said about Paul, though. And poor Misty is "out in the cold" again. (LOL)