Tuesday, August 30, 2011

With everything I've got

I was not able to attend the first night of P.A.T.H. conference when Elder White preached, so I just listened to the CD last night after dinner. It really touched me and I so appreciate men of God who will tell it like it is, so that I won't be lost. He preached "The First and Great Commandment" in such a light I'd never seen it in before. When it was over I felt conviction and the need to pray. I would hate to go through life being involved at church, being in church, but not loving the Lord my God with all heart, and with all my soul, and with all my mind. (Matthew 22:37) There are people who will not make it because they lived a lukewarm life for God and never gave it everything. I'm determined that will not be me! Revelation 3:16 (the words of Jesus) says this, "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth." There is something that the Lord hates about us being lukewarm. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be spewed out of His mouth for being lukewarm. I want to be on fire for Him and live for Him with all of my heart, soul, and mind! This won't just happen, but it has to be born in prayer, and through reading His Word. It needs to bleed into all areas of our life so that we can be witnesses not only with words, but with our attitudes, conduct, and character. With everything I've got, I'm going to give it to Him, because that is what He requires of me. I want to make it to Heaven when that trumpet sounds!

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