Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Small update

Okay, I haven't been posting anything exciting really, but I will next week! If I remember. :)
On Sunday we had the Wakefields with us in service (minus Bethany :( she's in Mexico). We had a great service. Bro. Wakefield preached an awesome message about worship and the Holy Ghost moved in a powerful way! God knows what we need! They sang too, and I loved it! I really wish I could speak Spanish. Sigh. I need to learn anyhow since we are going to Peru this summer! Very excited about that! After that I want to go to Mexico to visit the Wakefields. That's the next mission, at least in my mind! lol Anyhow, I'm getting off track. The Wakefields came over to our house after service and Austin has us cracking up. I don't know how many times Nicole had to tell him to sit down and eat his food because he wouldn't stop talking. Loved it though, he's so sweet! He said "No offence to the Mexicans, but I don't like their food." Hahaha! I sure do! lol

Today while driving home from work I saw a boy riding a horse down the sidewalk, (not uncommon in the place I live) and he was looking at his phone and texting! It was such a funny sight...Riding a horse down the sidewalk, dressed like a cowboy, and texting, not even looking where he was going. People these days! That's like milking a cow and blogging at the same time! They just don't go together!

Today, I give 2 birthday shoutouts!
One to Kate Rogers, she is today!
Another to Abel Kifle, he is 99 today! lol jk, inside joke. I think 23.

Anyhow, Happy birthday to them both!

I know this post was random but that's about all I have.
God is good and I'm grateful for Him in my life! I am blessed!


jen lord said...

Huh?? You don't milk your cow while you blog too??

Jennifer Connell said...

I know, I'm so not in with the times! lol