Sunday, September 9, 2012

Be careful where you go...

When others are following.

People influence us, and we all have people we do or have followed. But what about your influence on others? Is it good or bad? People are following you. People are watching. If they follow you, where will they end up? Where are you going?

Just something to think about. I want to lead people to Jesus. One day we will all stand before Him in judgement. I want to be found faithful!
Poor innocent duckies! :(


jen lord said...

Twin, the message preached by Bro. Harlan Morgan was titled "Where will you end up when you get where you're going?"

I think this fits so well with your post!

Jennifer Connell said...

I have never heard that message before! Though I would like to!!

Elias L. Martinez said...

This definitely applies to those with younger siblings like myself. Good post! Anali and I shared some good laughs at six flags!