Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Hello, world.

I realize it has been a very long time since I have posted anything on my poor neglected blog, so I figured I would write a little something today. I would actually like to share something that someone else shared with me a while back, and I thought it was really good.

"Complacency is a blight that saps the energy, dulls attitudes, and causes drain on the brain. The first symptom is satisfaction with things as they already are. The second is rejection of things as they might be. "Good enough" becomes today's watchword and tomorrow's standard. Complacency makes people fear the unknown, mistrust the untried, and abhor the new. Like water, complacent people follow the easiest course--downhill. They draw false strength from looking back."

-Bits & Pieces (May 28, 1992), 15.

We as human beings have a natural tendency to resist change. I believe if we are not careful, we can easily fall into a state of complacency. If complacency is dangerous in the natural, it is even worse when it's spiritual complacency. Spiritual complacency can cause someone to resist going forward in God and hinder them becoming who it is that God intended for them to become in His kingdom. "Good enough" is a scary place to be, because we deceive ourselves into thinking that we are okay, when really, something is lacking. The 5 foolish virgins in Matthew 25 were indeed virgins and were waiting to be taken into the marriage, but the problem was that they didn't have enough oil in their lamps; because of this, they were rejected. This challenges me to keep my vessel full of oil (the Holy Ghost), and to continually pursue God, lest one day I hear the dooming words, "I never knew you." Today I am thankful to God for never ceasing to challenge me, correct me, and show me His amazing mercy.

Go forward in Him!



Carol Connell said...

Great post, Jen! Good to see you blogging again. Indeed, it is very easy to get complacent. May God help us to continue to go forward in Him.



+CHRIS+ said...

I'm glad your back I too have been neglecting my blog it's hard but I'm going to be trying well nice to hear from you can wait until we can see each other again ! Se y'all later
Chris ...

Elias L. Martinez said...

This is good for the youth!

Sasha Pena said...

Hey jen, Nice post!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen!! It's been a while, Nice Post !!

Jennifer Connell said...

Thanks, everyone. :)

jennifer lord said...

yay for neglectful bloggers (like me!)

may we NEVER become spiritually comfortable and always continue to strive onward.