Monday, September 21, 2020

Discussion: Lies

I came across this earlier this evening and started thinking about it. Is it possible to lie without speaking? Is a lie a story that is not true? Or is it any form of deceit? Dishonesty can be very tricky. What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear, and you can comment below.


jennifer lord said...

Twin, were you at our Bible study on Tuesday?! Pastor has been teaching about building Christian character and dealt extensively with lying this week.

The Bible speaks about making a lie and I take that as not necessarily speaking a falsehood but giving the impression that something is when it is not. First example that came to mind is when someone dyes their hair to cover up their wisdom. :P

Jennifer Connell said...

I agree that giving the impression that something is when it is not (or vice versa) also falls under the banner of lying. The Bible has a lot to say about deceit! You can speak words that are true but do it in such a way that it leaves the wrong impression, which is dishonest. I feel like so many people have absolutely no problem telling a “little” lie for the sake of convenience, but the Word of God remains true. All liars shall have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, and that should put the fear of God in us!

Thanks for your comment, Twin! Love and appreciate you!

Bro. Tony Melena said...

Hey Sis. Jennifer! I found your post. Good post. Here’s a verse that came to mind as a response to your post: Luke 2:35 (Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.