Monday, May 14, 2012

Audio--Praying in the Holy Ghost by Elder Ron Garrett

As I mentioned before in my last post, Elder Ron Garrett came and and taught on prayer for 2 days, then preached our youth rally. For those that couldn't be there or purchase the CD, we put the messages on our website. These messages really impacted me and gave me a lot to work on. I encourage you to listen to these if you want do draw closer to God!

Click HERE to listen to these awesome messages that will help your walk with God.

The teaching on prayer is titled:

Prayer and praying in the Holy Ghost Pt. 1
Prayer and praying in the Holy Ghost Pt. 2

The message from the youth Rally is called:

Lost in the House



Mary Frances said...

Oooo YAAAAY!!! I'm gonna go listen to these RIGHT NOW!!! I can't wait to hear them...I'm ACTUALLY even going to TURN OFF AIO to hear this!!! LOLOLOL!!!

jennifer lord said...

Hi Twin!

Thanks for the link! I'll be listening to this today. :)

Mary Frances said...

Just got done listening to both days of Praying in the Holy Ghost!!!! AWESOME!!! I felt it so strong like I was right there!!!