Saturday, November 28, 2015

If You're a Logophile

Since I have quite a few pictures to share, this post should satisfy those who won't read a post unless there are pictures included, but I'll also throw some snazzy words into the post in case you're a logophile and prefer reading in depth over looking at pictures. (If you do, that's good! You might be smart!) I do realize it's been a nice little stretch of time since I have posted anything on my blog, so I supposed this will be a catch up post before I start blogging consistently! (We'll see if that happens)
It may take pandiculation.

Brother and Sister Foster and their youngest son Phillip arrived at our home on Halloween. Being Apostolics, we had pretty much forgotten it was even Halloween as we sat as convives around the dinner table that night.... until the doorbell rang and we realized the trick-or-treaters were making their rounds. Oops! We ignored the bell and soon moved into the other room away from the front door. Some trick-or-treaters stayed out so late one would almost come to think they are indefatigable!Possibly.

 Paul entertained the Foster's with his sleight of hand tricks. He has become pretty good at this! It's pretty fun to sit back and watch him perform tricks on new people as they sit there looking ferhoodled.
 Paul and Phillip got along quite agreeably! I think they had fun amusing each other.
 Bro. Foster preached some awesome messages at our church and was used of God to minister to us. It was a joy to have them in our home and at our church. This family is a blessing and they are doing a great work for God in the state of New Mexico! My dear friend, Anali has been stolen away by a young man in their church, so I do have good reason to go visit new Mexico! My friend is there. :)
 We all headed down the same day to West Coast Conference in Fresno, CA. Wow, what a blessing! God was so good to us this year and ministered to many needs. We had quite a number of people from our little home missions church attend this conference, and I know we were all blessed by the services and the good, godly fellowship. I also got to meet a fellow ICAT classmate, Sis. Garcia from Phoenix, but I don't think I have a picture with her.
 After an awesome few days we headed out to load the luggage into my car when I realized it was covered in WET cotton balls, Christmas decor, and a balloon. I found out who did it, too... Though I'm not sure who the fugleman of the group was. I say, they shall have their reward. Let them be turned back for a reward of their shame that say, Aha, aha.

 Getting together with some friends for pizza in Berkeley the following Monday was quite enjoyable! Pictures are not in order, but after we had pizza we ended up at a café to get coffee and stay warm. We went outside before we left and formed a circle on the sidewalk, having a spontaneous sing along! We sang about the precious name of Jesus, and though it was cold and the cars kept on passing by, I could feel His presence. Several passerby on foot stopped and listened. One guy walking by had earphones in, but when he saw us singing he pulled one out of his ear as he was walking by.
 Yet another embarrassing birthday song by my lovely friends! It never fails. :)
 After West Coast we started revival services with the Abbott family, and my, how blessed we were! This is truly a Christian family. I don't believe you can pay anybody a higher compliment than to say that one is truly a Christian.
 They ministered in song, and Elder David Abbott ministered in the Word! Sis. Abbott and Denae also did altar call which was awesome for me! It's great to be able to pray in the altar at your own church! Although Bell and I did help some, they did most of it, and it was a blessing.
 Elder Abbott also taught on child-rearing in Berkeley, CA one night at Bro. Kifle's church, and I was privileged to be there for that as well. God ministered to the families there, and it is splendiferous to see all that God is doing in yet another home missions church - especially in a city like Berkeley.
When you think of it, pray for this church in the city of Berkeley. It is a beacon of light in a very dark place - the best place to have a beacon of light!
It was good to see some new people in the altars seeking God, along with some who have been there a while! God is good! Revival is about the faithful staying faithful and new ones getting on board the faithful train!
Anali came back out to Cali to visit her parents (and us) for a short time before returning home to New Mexico to her husband, Joe, who I am sure missed her terribly! We all went to a Thai place together. I must say, their food was saporific! Although a bit spicy for me. Then we headed to Starbucks and opened some gifts!

I liked how the served their Thai tea in mason jars! Cute!

Sword drill!

We have had some new kids recently visiting children's church, along with some parents! It's always good when the parents come with the kids.

Fay, Bro. Steve's wife received the Holy Ghost during the revival services with the Abbott's! It was an awesome service and many people were touched.

Nothing like an after church jamm session! This time it was among the guitarists!
Sis. Fay was baptized in Jesus' Name last Sunday morning and came up out of the water speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance! You could see the Holy Ghost hit her as soon as she came up!

This young lady came as a first time visitor that same Sunday morning and spoke in other tongues in the altar. I asked her if that had ever happened to her before, and she said it had - at home! She has been seeking further truth and God is definitely revealing more to her! She is really sweet and hasn't missed since!
We'll miss the Abbott's but look forward to seeing them again! :)
Thanksgiving was a wonderful time with family this year. I don't think I gormandized, but maybe close! By the way, I think it's crazy that they keep pushing Black Friday deals back... onto Thursday! People being greedy on Thanksgiving day... my my my! I think America has definitely been hit with a severe case of oniomania. I know my remarks may appear desultory, but then again, this post doesn't seem to have a particular theme anyhow!

I have more posting to do soon, but this is it for now. I can conclude by saying God is so good to me - I cannot tell it all! I look forward to what He will continue to do. There is nothing like serving Him! We're almost there! He is coming soon. :) Are you ready?


R. Keith Nix said...

Great post - and I'm neither prevaricating nor being mendacious! :)

Jennifer Connell said...

Thank you! I appreciate your genuine, reputable comment.

Flor said...

Hi Sister Connell I am photo I would've probably dodged your camera. It was great meeting you and your brother!

Jennifer Connell said...

It was great meeting you, too! And I thought that we took a picture together on somebody else I imagining things? Haha!
Thanks for commenting! :)

Flor said...

No ma'am there was no such photo taken! Missed meeting your Mom and Dad but maybe next year at WCC!

Jennifer Connell said...

Hope you get to meet them next time!